Hijama and Cupping Therapy
So you’re sick. Or in pain. Now what?
It’s simple.
Holistic hijama cupping is the fastest way to cleanse, balance and detox your body of the toxins that accumulate in your body over time.
By stimulating your lymphathic system, cupping therapy gives your immune system a boost, rids your body of accumulated toxins and gives your body a jumpstart to optimal health and healing.Exposure to toxins - from the food we eat, the air we breathe, the products we use, and yes, from stress (perhaps the biggest toxin to our body and health) - create a toxin burden on our body.
Toxic burden causes our organs to not work efficiently.
When our organs aren’t working properly, those aches and pains, the indigestion and acid refulx, the migraines and sleepless nights and chronic fatigue, and the illness set in.
So what’s the solution?
Cleanse, Rebalance, Detox.
Hijama (the Arabic word for “suction”) is a holistic healing method that uses a series of cups on your body, applies suction and then with very tiny incisions, removes the built up toxins from your body. The result?
Cleansing, rebalancing and detoxification. HEALING.
A combination of moving cupping therapy, fixed cupping and wet cupping, hijama stimulates blood flow, circulation and oxygenation throughout your body, activates your lymphatic system, breaks apart any tissue adhesions (tension and “knots”) and perhaps most importantly, pulls the stuck toxins out of your body, giving your entire system a jumpstart to healing whatever is ailing your body.
Truly, the ailment or sickness you have doesn’t matter. Detoxify your body and watch it start to heal.
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“The best thing with which you can treat sickness is cupping.”
— Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)